Amanda Cadabra and The Rise of Sunken Madley
Book Four of the Hilarious Fantasy Mystery Series
Amanda, covert witch and asthmatic furniture restorer, finds a body at The Grange. Accident or murder? Either way, she had no alibi..
But a far more pressing problem is afoot. Amanda has cast one spell too many against a human. Now there is no stopping the attack of the Flamgoynes on Sunken Madley. Will her familiar, grumpy cat Tempest, stay awake long enough to help? In the moment of truth, will she stand alone as her recurring dream shows her? Or will she see The Rise of Sunken Madley?
Amanda Cadabra and The Rise Of Sunken Madley
'The village itself is a character,' as one reader said to me. This is the book where Sunken Madley and its beloved list of eccentrics come into their own. Of course, the first in the series has a special place in my heart and I am closest to the newest sequel, but this book is my (secret!) favourite.
The Rise of Sunken Madley has the most emotional depth of all of the books so far while also maintaining the series trademark humour. Arguably, it's the most action-packed of the the first four books.
From the beginning of Amanda's career as covert witch, Senara, her grandmother has warned her not to use magic on humans. Alas, that has been unavoidable. I knew that the consequences of that would have to come home to roost. And so they do here. But those consequences also have revelatory consequences of their own Amanda would not have wanted to miss.
An irresistible series for lovers of humorous fantasy mystery, where Harry Potter meets Agatha Christie, in a 'timelessly British' supernatural whodunnit. A mirthful mix of vintage and modern-day fun, suspense and excitement, with a happy ending.
Inspired by Lord of the Rings, the collected works of Sir Terry Pratchett, and the esteemed Miss Christie, PG Wodehouse, with a dash of Georgette Heyer, Alastair MacLean, JK Rowling, and the best of classic British cinema, this sequel in the series will leave you (perhaps a little breathless but) with a smile on your face and spirits raised as you the read ‘The End’ and reach for the next book.
Dive in to rejoin the delightful Amanda, the superior Tempest, the attractive but by-the-book Inspector Trelawney, the aristocratic Senara and the warm-hearted Cornishman Perran, together with a host of their colourful neighbours and an assemblage of suitably suspicious, and villanous characters. Each individual has their own hidden depths to surprise you along the way, as you enter the village of Sunken Madley.

The Characters
The Plot

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Chapter 1
Into the globe
'It will all be over very quickly
One way or another,' said Aunt Amelia. She stared intently into the glass sphere on the round, lace-covered table.
'Very quickly?' asked Amanda Cadabra, p glancing up from
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the prequel Tempest's First Day
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The Prequel To
The Amanda Cadabra
At dead of night Tempest is conjured by witches Senara and Perran, Later that day, he makes his grand entrance to meet Amanda Cadabra. In the hours between, what was the magical familiar-to-be up to?
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"So very well written with amazing imagination’"
"Brilliant characters, fabulous story"