26 September, 2018.

There’s no excuse for this kitsploitation, except to help let you know that this is the most valuable thing you can do for an indie author like me. Do what? you ask.

Take 10 seconds to do a review of the book you have just read. 10 seconds? Surely it takes a lot longer to ‘write a review’. It can, but it doesn’t have to.

If you scroll down the book’s page on Amazon, down past Product details, and More about the author, just above where the existing reviews start, you’ll see a yellow or grey button with the words ‘Write a product review’ on it.

Click on that.

Now on the page that’s opened, just click on the number of stars you want to award it.

Then in the text box, you can put as little as one word.

Then click submit, and you’re done.

10 seconds.

Why are reviews so important? You see, when you’re starting out in writing novels, like I am, you need promotional websites who have big email lists of people who love to read and can’t wait to hear about the next new release. But the best promoters insist on, or favour, books with several four-star and five-star reviews on Amazon.

The Shang-ri-la/El Dorado of book promoters is Bookbub. They have a vast email list of mystery readers I would love to tell about Amanda Cadabra because I think they would enjoy it and tell others. So when you write your review you won’t just be helping this indie author, you’ll be spreading the love.

May I take this opportunity to that everyone who has written a review on Amazon US, UK, and India, on Facebook and Goodreads. It means a very great deal. Of course, it’s great to sell books, but reviews are pearls. Your experience of the book is what counts because I write for you, and the only way I know what you relish is if you tell me. Your reactions to book 1 are already shaping book 2.

To help you, below are the direct links to the page where you can click on the review button for Amanda Cadabra. If your country isn’t listed among them, please let me know.

Note: All felines were, naturally, treated like royalty during the production of this feature.

‘Thanks, Kitties, you can all go home now. Tuna and salmon at the buffet if you want to stay for the after party. Wonderful, darlings! Love your work!’ (‘Everybody wants to be a cat..’)

USA: https://www.amazon.com/Amanda-Cadabra-Hidey-Hole-Paranormal-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B07GZQH8P8/

UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Amanda-Cadabra-Hidey-Hole-Paranormal-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B07GZQH8P8

India: https://www.amazon.in/Amanda-Cadabra-Hidey-Hole-Paranormal-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B07GZQH8P8/

Australia: https://www.amazon.com.au/Amanda-Cadabra-Hidey-Hole-Paranormal-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B07GZQH8P8/

Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/Amanda-Cadabra-Hidey-Hole-Paranormal-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B07GZQH8P8/

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    About the Author

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    Cat adorer and chocolate lover. Holly Bell's life changed in a day. A best-selling author friend telephoned and convinced her, that after years of penning non-fiction, she could write cozy paranormal mysteries. And the rest, as they say, is history.

    Holly lives in the UK and is a photographer and video maker when not writing. Her favourite cat is called Bobby. He is black. Like her favourite hat. Purely coincidental.
