26 May, 2024.

Dear Readers,

Grumpy British Blue cat looking over sofa back. Text: 'Where have you been?' UM ...‘We were about to send out search parties. Where’s the new book, and what’s been going on?’

All more than justified questions after three whole months. (If you’re eager for all of the insider details, they’re in the latest newsletter. You can join here, and I’ll send you the latest one personally if you drop me a line.)

Burn Out

In summary, my reach exceeded my grasp last year on the marketing front. And I ended up having to have a proper rest from the series, the promoting, and the new book. I simply couldn’t have done any more, physically, mentally or creatively, if I’d tried. So I did the only thing you can do in that situation: I stopped struggling and, temporarily, let it all go. For at least three months of increasingly enforced rest.

And Then …

It was something that I could do pretty easily, as it comes naturally after so many years’ experience: editing. Which is where the blue pencil in the featured image comes in. Traditionally this was used by editors because the corrections wouldn’t show up in the reproduction process. But I digress … yes, editing.

Chartreuse green mug with text UM3 in white on the side, next to a tall pile of A4 sheets of paper

And not just any editing, editing for a friend, with no pressure, a vague launch date, in my own time, at my own pace. Not for just anyone, either, but for best-selling, supernatural comedy author TJ Brown, for whom I edited years ago, and who set me on my mystery-writing journey.

To the delight of both of us, I discovered that I’d come a long way as an editor during the last 5 years. I strongly suspect this is the effect of having done 4 of my own editing passes on each of 8 of my own books before dispatching them to editor, Kim Brockway, from whom I had learned a great deal about best practice in an area that has yet to develop its own internationally recognised accreditation.

And here we come to the ‘UM’ in the images here. Tim’s series is The Unhappy Medium. As this is book 3 that we’re working on, we have, of course, dubbed it … UM3


‘Wait, what’s this got to do with the Amanda Cadabra books?’ I hear you ask. I’m coming to that now …

I learned the Creative Power of Doing Something Else. Completely releasing any pressure of the need to write creatively or for marketting worked its magic. More of Book 9 has been coming to me, and being so involved with a writer of such talent will no doubt make a better sequel than otherwise would have been the case. So that’s how my spark was rekindled. Most importantly, today, I have finally found myself able to write to you here and to my precious subscribers.

Woman leaning against a tree holding a pencil, open notebook on her lap and sparkles around her and hovering blue pencil with UM3 on it. Inspiration. Creativity being relit

How Does ‘Doing Something Else’ Work?

Yes, another good question. As you see, the ‘something else’ in this case is editing. Now, editing does involve a certain kind of creativity. It’s not the same as coming up with new material as you do for a story. But … when you’re going through a manuscript, and you can see something is not being made clear or, most often, the same word or phrase is being used two or more times in close proximity, then you mark the problem.

Now, my philosophy is that when you present a problem, also present a solution. That means finding and suggesting alternative words, phrases, rewrites and additions, even deletions. The difference to creative writing of your own is that the material is already written, it’s already down there, on the page. What you’re doing is tinkering with the engine someone else has built, so that it fires up and runs smoothly.

So, if your creativity, whatever form it takes, (and whatever it is you do professionally or as a hobby, I can promise you that it does involve creativity on some level or another), then you might consider trying something like beta reading. (You can join the Amanda Cadabra VIP Readers Group here.) It’s just close enough to making something new to start levelling up the juice rather than depleting it. Now, there’s a thought.

The Coming Transformation

What’s more, getting back to the story, besides the editing process sparking my embers … as a seasoned graphic artist and designer, as well as an author, Tim is beginning to turn his attention to a brand new look for the Amanda Cadabra series, which I shall be unveiling in due course, as well as the reasons for this. But I do think you’ll be as delighted as I will be. So far, I’ve just seen the concept, and it was a hair-blowing-back moment for me (in a good way!)

Meanwhile … the Book 9 furnace is a-stoking, the engine is warming up, and the driver is in the station. And …

New Giveway

I’ve booked a new Cozy Mystery Giveaway being arranged by Aconite Café, with free entry for the chance to win some Cozy Mystery swag. I’ll let you know when it starts.

New Jigsaw Puzzle

And another creative spark is catching. How could this return to writing to you end without a new spring jigsaw puzzle? Of course, not everyone is impressed by the beauty of the season!

Jigsaw puzzle waiting to be completed, on silver Puzzle board with a coffe next to it on a wooden table.


Thank You

Bouquet of red roses in silver paper. Thank you.

Finally, I would like to pay tribute to the beta readers. Of course, always to our own VIPs, who are so important in polishing every Amanda Cadabra book, but in this instance, especially to the beta readers of the Unhappy Medium series. They were, unusually, all given a very rough version of the manuscript an have been tremendously helpful in the editing process. A special mention is richly deserved by beta readers Ian Woodward and Jenny Kenyon who made some great catches.

Thank you too, to all of my readers, subscribers and members of the VIP and Bell Tower Readers Groups (as well as of those of you who I am privileged to call friends) who have patiently and loyally stayed with me during this time.

That’s all for now. Back soon. Yes, really!

Happy reading,



PS If you want to start the series now:
Amanda Cadabra and The Hidey-Hole Truth

Available on Amazon

Paperback, Kindle
and Large Print

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About the Author

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Cat adorer and chocolate lover. Holly Bell's life changed in a day. A best-selling author friend telephoned and convinced her, that after years of penning non-fiction, she could write cozy paranormal mysteries. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Holly lives in the UK and is a photographer and video maker when not writing. Her favourite cat is called Bobby. He is black. Like her favourite hat. Purely coincidental.
