30 July, 2023.

Dear Readers

This week we shot the footage for the very first On Location With Holly video. Mike the Cameraman, it has turned out, has been mistitled. He researches and sorts out the equipment for video and sound, writes the shooting script and captures it all. Hand holding camera, cameo of sound book and another of hand writing a scriptAccording to my research, he is, more correctly, Mike the Cinematographer. Anyone here in the film industry, please correct me if I haven’t got that quite right, but for now, we’ll go with that.

In any event, thanks to Mike and a long day’s work, we got it in the can 2 minutes before, in true British fashion, it began to rain. You will be seeing the fruits of our labour, edited by Chartreuse at Heypressto, in two weeks.

Why Two Weeks?

Because, dear friends, this week, we wish to present for your entertainment and edification: The Blooper Reel, a compilation of behind-the-scene outtakes from the author reveal series of videos I made with Mike Collins’ help, to ease myself out from behind my cartoon and connect with you as an actual live human person. Yes, in the process of filming, all sorts of things can go amiss, as we are discovering, especially with someone like me who is totally unaccustomed to speaking to the camera.

This is not only for your amusement but also your encouragement, in case you are thinking of embarking on the creation of one or more videos to do your own reveal about yourself, your business or what you love to do. Sometimes, a mishap can create something even better than you planned, but even the worst-case scenario can be funny. And isn’t that the point of life? To have fun? Isn’t it the best way to learn or create a memorable moment that makes us giggle or smile when we recall it?

So here it is, the outtakes from the six episodes of the reveal series:

Link image to play Blooper reel.

A Little Extra

With all of this, what I hope you’ll take away from it is that it’s hugely enjoyable making videos of and about yourself and what you love to do, and that you’ll get there in the end.

However, just in case this has not entirely convinced you to face the lens yourself, we’ll be making a short, easy, how-to 3-step process you can follow based on my recent experience. Mike has gone on a well-deserved holiday, so we’ll be shooting that when he comes back, as well as the second On Location With Holly video.

Red velvet covered seats in cinema - VIPPrivate View

I have also put together a special edition video that is first being shared as a private view with our precious subscribers to my inside-track letters. They are also receiving an early bird invitation to something I’m beginning in the autumn. If you’d like to join the mailing list and find out about these two features, you can do that here.

Both of these offers are planned for being opened up shortly on the blog here and on the Holly Bell Facebook page in due course, if you prefer to wait.

A single red roseThank You

This letter to you would not be complete without my sincere thanks to all of you who have loved, liked, shared, and commented with kind words for my new avatar as Holly, The Human. I have to say I did tear up with emotion at a couple of your supportive comments. It is all far more than I ever expected. And I suppose that’s another message I’d like you potential video stars to receive: put yourself out there, and people will love it.

What about …?

Yes, indeed, the new sequel is never far from my thoughts and during Mike’s absence, I shall be engaged in some essential research. I’m not sure where exactly it will lead … but we shall see

Next week

Coming up are the answers to ‘Where Was the first sight of the Hat Video shot?’ and ‘The Mystery of The Toe’. Plus two more things that, for now, I’ll keep under … The Hat.

Happy watching, reading, enjoying the sun (or the snow, depending),



PS If you want to start the series now:
Amanda Cadabra and The Hidey-Hole Truth

Available on Amazon

Paperback, Kindle
and Large Print

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About the Author

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Cat adorer and chocolate lover. Holly Bell's life changed in a day. A best-selling author friend telephoned and convinced her, that after years of penning non-fiction, she could write cozy paranormal mysteries. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Holly lives in the UK and is a photographer and video maker when not writing. Her favourite cat is called Bobby. He is black. Like her favourite hat. Purely coincidental.
