New Year’s Day 99c/99p Special, and New Look
Dear Readers, Starting The Year With … As promised, here are the

Q&A With Cornish Photographer James Kitto, and Shop Now Open
Dear Readers, The new book, The Grange Trilogy, is now with the

The Red Letter Day of 2024, New Book and Shop Opening!
Dear Readers, Does this date mean anything to you? Remember what you

The Story Behind Your New Novella for Hallowe’en – Free Now
Dear Readers, In short, I have a Hallowe’en present for you! How

New Cover Reveal, The Magic Circle, and Free Chapter Video
Dear Readers, The Circle Begins In the winter of 2017, my Christmas

A New Video – Free Chapter 1, A Dawning, and An Emotional Moment
Dear Readers, And Now To Unveil …. Chapter 1 of Amanda Cadabra

Interview With Author TJ Brown, and My Other Hat
Dear Readers, Tomorrow and My Other Hat The sun will be rising

How I Re-lit My Creative Fire
Dear Readers, ‘We were about to send out search parties. Where’s the

An Unveiling, A Gift and More Shops
Dear Readers, The Greatest Asset ‘And where have you been?’ you may

Cozy Christmas Goodies Before the Big Day
Dear Readers, Starting With a 75% Discount As promised, I can now

Sequel Gearing Up, A Decision, Video, Puzzle and Thank You
Dear Readers,Yes, Big News this week, but first, here are Reader Tips

A Cozy Giveaway and Twin Accent Allies – Spelling It Out Video Part 2
Dear Readers, The Giveaway It has just opened:Â the cozy new giveaway

The Power of TH, Spelling It Out – New Video Series, and Puzzle
Dear Readers, For You And it’s all because of you. You see,

A Pre-Christmas Present, The Complete Video Series, and This Week’s Puzzle
Dear Readers, The Complete Video Series and … First, here is the

3 Ways to Write A Character’s Accent – Video Series Finale, and Sequel Milestone
Dear Readers, A New Video Series This week witnessed the birth of

New Video – Fabulous Foreigners: Monarchs of Sleuthery, and This Week’s Puzzle
Dear Readers, Meet The Monarchs This week, I give you the penultimate

Halloween Deal, A How-To, Jigsaw and New Fun Feature
Dear Readers, Halloween Offer The mystery genre time of year is upon

Beginning the Magic Circle, New Puzzle and Video: How to Get It Right
Dear Reader, This week’s video in the Fabulous Foreigners in Fiction series,

New Sequel Epiphany, New Puzzle and Video: What Is Foreign?

Fabulous Foreigners in Fiction Part 2 – Which UK English?
Dear Readers, This week’s new video grapples with what happens next after

The Grand Unveiling, and Fabulous Foreigners in Fiction Part 1 – Decisions, Decisions
Dear Reader, The time has come, as promised, to reveal the new

Picking Up the Sequel, and 5 Steps To Getting In Front of the Camera
Dear Readers Today, as promised, I bring you a video to help

The 4 Queens of Cozy Mystery, and Conjuring Characters

Real Life Cozy Village Green – On Location Selfie First
Dear Readers, They were, and they weren’t ideal conditions. The sky was

Cozy Maps – Yes or No?
Dear Readers, Location, location, location It’s not just about where you live

Who Are The Celtic Nations, Cozy Celtic, and Your Connection
Dear Readers, Coastal Diversion Photo by Martin Brown A beach theme seems

A Landmark, On Location – The Sinner’s Rue, and A New Phase
Dear Readers, Last week, we filmed and edited the second On Location

On Location – Introducing Sunken Madley
Dear Readers Movie Time As you know, we filmed our first ‘On

The Witch-Hat Milliner Q&A, Complete Reveal Video, and Cornish Sessions With Holly
Dear Readers, Two Treats A brace of delights has been prepared for

Behind the Scene: Author Reveal Blooper Reel
Dear Readers This week we shot the footage for the very first

Grand Finale with A Spell, Mojo, and Holly’s Cornish Voice
Dear Readers The Grand Finale Today sees the completion of the Holly

Author Reveal: The Hunt, and An Epiphany
Dear Readers, The Book Hunt This week I did more speaking to

Author Reveal Part 4, and Q&A: the Real Voice of the Audiobook’s Dr Bergstrom
Dear Readers, Facing the Camera for the First Time This week, I

Win 21 Cozies, Author Reveal Part 3, and Meet The Cameraman
Dear Readers, New Competition! First, news of a new opportunity to win

Cozy Cornish and Author Reveal Continues
Dear Readers, Happy Post-Solstice, As promised, here is the sequel to the

Happy Solstice and The Great Unboxing!
Dear Reader, As the dawn sun strikes the altar of Stonehenge on

Launch Day! 7 Hurdles and 5 Years to the Audiobook Release
Dear Readers, At long last, Amanda Cadabra and The Hidey-Hole Truth is

New Giveaway, and Audiobook Reaches The Final Hurdle
Dear Readers, First, a special thank you video to all the readers

Free Today and Tomorrow: First in Cozy Mystery Series
Dear Readers Just popping in to remind you that today and tomorrow

Free Book Dates Announced

Easter Cozy Mystery Booksweep
Dear Readers, Happy Easter or Other April Celebration And to start the

Cozy Mystery Giveaway, The Beta-Listeners, and Goodies To Come
Dear Readers, April is about to bring a shower of goodies. For

AudioBook Progress by Night, and 500 Readers to Thank
Dear Readers, Cutting To The Chase ‘What of the audiobook of Book

Breaking the Sound Barrier and A Christmas Discount Today

Thank you Video – This One’s For You

Launch Day Video for Amanda Cadabra and The Nightstairs
Dear Readers, Amanda Cadabra and The Nightstairs is, at this moment, officially

First Chapter of the New Sequel – Holly Reads ‘A Grand Opening.’
Dear Readers, It is time to revive the tradition of first-chapter readings

Trailer Reveal – Lights, Camera, Action!
Dear Readers, It is with excitement, exhilaration and exuberance that I bring

Launch Date Announced – The New Amanda Cadabra – Book 8

Full Cover Reveal – The New Amanda Cadabra – Book 8
Dear Readers, The moment has come, ladies and gentlemen, to drop the

Partial Cover Reveal – The New Amanda Cadabra – Book 8
Dear Readers, Feeling Peeky? Time to peep inside the wrapping. Here is

Title Reveal – The New Amanda Cadabra – Book 8
Dear Readers, It’s Official The launch engine officially starts up here. Without

Sequel Goes To Editor – What This Means For You

The Real Life Arborist Behind ‘The Hanging Tree’

Your Cozy Favourites and a New Book 8 Milestone
Dear Readers, Playing Favourites Results Three weeks ago, I invited you to

Playing Cozy Favourites – My Guilty Secret
Dear Readers, Forbidden They say you should love them all equally. Your

3 Midsummer Cozy Landmarks
Dear Readers, Welcome to all you new wonderful readers who have joined

Cozy Jubilee – Lighting Up The Real Sunken Madley
Dear Readers, The Cozy Connection This weekend we here in the UK

Dawn of The New Cozy
Dear Readers, Just seven weeks from the launch of Book 7, and

A Thank You Present For You, and The New Sequel Launch Report
Dear Readers, The new book in the series, number 7, Amanda Cadabra

Launch Day! Amanda Cadabra and The Hanging Tree

Launch Date and Chapter 1 Revealed – Amanda Cadabra and The Hanging Tree
Dear Reader, The Launch Date is Confirmed The official release of of

New Book Trailer – Amanda Cadabra and The Hanging Tree

Cover Reveal – Amanda Cadabra and The Hanging Tree
Dear Readers, The Curtains Part The cover of Amanda Cadabra and The

Partial Cover Reveal – New Cozy Mystery Sequel – 3 Treats for Launch Day
Dear Readers, A Veil is Dropped This week it’s time for the

Title Reveal – New Cozy Mystery Sequel

New Sequel Launch Engine Firing Up
Dear Readers, The New Sequel? I hear you ask. Quite rightly too.

On the trail of the Cozy Village — Stanstead Abbotts and Red Lions

I Meet My Apple – A Love Story

Cozy Highlights: Looking Back, Looking Forward to 2022
Dear Readers, Yes, I know, I promised you the apple story, but

Boxing Day Special: How I Made A Cozy Food Quiz For You

Into a Medieval Battle for The Next Cozy Book
Dear Readers, Results of The Big Day What happened last Sunday? It

Free Book Days, Quizzes and A Cover Reveal
Dear Readers, 4 Free Book Days Starting this very day, until Wednesday, 15th

Into The Lost Kingdom – In Search of the Cozy Village

Finding Cozy Treasure in Hoddesdon – New Photos
Dear Readers, Hoddesdon? Hoddesdon is a small but beautiful town in Hertfordshire,

On The Trail of The Cozy English Village – Hertingfordbury
Dear Readers, What is a Cozy English village? Sunken Madley is a

Update: 2 Free Books for Remembrance/Veterans Day Weekend!
Dear Readers, Two Free Books The planets are aligned; it is decreed.

Free Book for Remembrance Day & 100 Reviews
Dear Readers, Free Book Day First, then, the best news! This week,

A 700th Anniversary Flower Fest and Book 7 News
Dear Readers, Hay Rides With the air clearing and restrictions lifting, it

On Tour – Amanda’s World Google Map
Dear Readers, As promised last time, here is the launch of something

Big News – Large Print Comes to The Cozy Series
Dear Readers, After a year of considering, researching, planning, collaborating and doing,

Large Print Settings for Amanda Cadabra
Dear Fellow Authors and Interested Readers, Having decided to created large print

The Real Cornish Café from Amanda’s Cozy Mystery World
Dear Readers,The Twisting Current Cornish pasties, Jamaica Inn, smugglers, and Cornish clotted

Behind the Scenes of the New Cozy Mystery
Dear Readers, Three Treats To Come Today we follow the trail to

New Cozy Paperback Launch and Free Book Day
Dear Readers, How We’re Celebrating? The next stage of the launch of

St Valentine’s Day Message

Launch Day for Amanda Cadabra Book VI!
Dear Readers, Here we are at last! Amanda Cadabra and The Strange

Book Trailer for Amanda Cadabra VI and The Making Of
Dear Readers, First of all, before we get to ‘The Making of’

Full Cozy Mystery Cover Reveal – Creation Story
Dear Readers, Here it is! The product of our wondrous illustrator Daniel

Partial Cover Reveal – A First Third?
Dear Readers, Here then is the sneak preview of the cover. Tempest

Title Reveal – New Cozy Paranormal Mystery
Dear Readers, Here we are at last, revving up for the launch

New Cozy Sequel Alert
Dear Readers, Launch day of the new book is approaching! Where’s the

New Sequel News, and Kindle Deal for Book 1
Dear Readers Double Extra Hoping you are all well and happy, I

New Book Trailer, Paperback Launch, and Final Free Day
Dear Readers, Goodies aplenty have been in the making here at Heypressto.

An 11-Year-Old Falls in Love – my early book affairs
Dear Readers, The Big Change It’s massive now. It wasn’t then. Oh

Free First Book in Cozy Mystery Series

Now Launched – Amanda Cadabra Book 5, & Free Days
Dear Readers, Blast Off! Amanda Cadabra and The Hidden Depths is now

Cover Reveal – Amanda Cadabra and The Hidden Depths
Dear Readers, First Glance It was love at first sight. Just over

Title Reveal of New Cozy Mystery – Amanda Cadabra 5
Dear Readers, Amanda Cadabra Returns After a long and winding road this

COVID-19 in a Cozy Mystery – Do You Want It?
Dear Readers, What Is Your Pleasure? Having written to you last week

Medical Matters in Cozy Mystery – Do they have a place?
Dear Readers, What is something so grim as illness doing in a

The Cornish Connection – To An English Cozy Mystery?
Dear Readers, Finding Cornwall How did Cornwall do it? How did worm

The Writer’s Dilemma – The Reader’s Reward
Dear Readers, The Fiction Author’s Quandary This week we travel into the

English – Whose Rules OK?
Dear Readers, We all agree that ‘write’ ‘book and ‘read’ should be

5 Things You Learn From Writing A Novel
Dear Readers, Unexpected Goodies Writing, like having a student, teaches you. Well,

Love in Your Literature – How Do You Like It?
Dear Readers, Do You Love Romance? ‘Not at all. I don’t want

Misspelling – How Do You React, and Why?
Dear Readers, A Choice of Four Reactions What is your reaction when

‘Do You Speak English?’ – Fabulous Foreigners in Fiction
Dear Readers, What Do We Mean by ‘English’? Before I first put

How to Make Villains in Cozy World
Dear Readers, Villains? If it’s a cozy environment, why have villains in

You Are A Natural Storyteller – How?
Dear Readers, Born To Be A Storyteller ‘I could never do what

Writing Men – How Do I Do It?
Dear Readers Mr Write-ing One of my book reviewers was kind enough

New Year’s Resolutions – January Offer
Dear Readers, Thank you to everyone who took advantage, or shared the

Free Kindle Cozy Mystery & The Lure of Christmas Crime
Dear Readers, With the countdown to 25th December in just hours now,

The First 1000 Words – How?
Dear Readers, How? I have just written the first thousand words of

My Cozy Mystery Christmas Present to You
Dear Readers, Sharing with you A smile, a greeting, good wishes, cards

A Real-Life Mystery for A Cozy Author
Dear Readers, The Mystery Light streams up through the darkness of the

New Short Story, and Saturday Night Special

Video – The First of the First Book in The Amanda Cadabra Series

Revealed – Secrets of An Editor
Dear Readers, Could you? Ever thought about it? Someone ever told you

Thank you, Apology, and Ivy
Dear Readers, First of all, before I tell you about new features,